Repertoire By Country
Selective surveys of Wind Music by country.
A short history of Finnish Wind Music by Kari Laitinen, a Librarian at the Finnish Music Information Centre in Helsinki, first published in the WASBE Newsletter in June 2002
This article is far from comprehensive, but covers the period 1926 - 1951, beginning with Spiel by Ernst Toch, including works by Blacher and Schoenberg, and ending with the Hindemith Symphony and the Hartmann Symphony No. 5, recorded on Chandos
Kamillo Lendvay & Frigyes Hidas at Seventy Seven - Hungarian Wind Music Comes Of Age - It is suprising that more of it is not played world-wide
A Snapshot of Hungarian music by Tim Reynish written for WASBE in 2002
Irish Wind Band Repertoire
By Robert O'Brien, an article which first appeared in the Canadian Band Journal.
Roots - Early Days - Modern Trends - Music for Schools - American Wind Symphony - Repertoire List -
A brief overview of Japanese Band Repertoire
Revised July 2012
Japanese wind band music has looked traditionally towards the USA and UK for inspiration and repertoire. Concerts are full of American and British music, but we in the west have not reciprocated by programming Japanese composers. There are two reasons; a great deal of their music follows American formulaic patterns, while more original music is either not published, difficult to obtain or very expensive. The article is a selection made from discs and conference concerts of music which I would like to programme.
Five Dutch Composers - Otterloo - Van Delden -Keuris - Van Beurden - Comitas
A brief look at some of their music for wind
An introduction to Rodrigo's Per la Flor del Lliri Blau and the music of Luis Serrano Alarcon
The Wind Band in the History of Swedish Music
by Leif Jansson
United Kingdom
A survey of British Wind Music in 2 parts
by Tim Reynish
British Wind Music pre 1981 - A History of British wind music before 1981 in ten chapters
British Wind Music 1981 - 2011 - A personal look at thirty years of repertoire development (updated March 2011 - pdf file)
Birthday greetings to Barber - Copland - Krenek - Riegger - Schuller - Schuman
2010 was a significant birthday date for these six giants of American music, and this is a short introduction to their major works for wind.
Interpreting Specific Works