CBDNA President Announces 2 Recent Works
Eric Rombach-Kendall writes:
I would like to call your attention to two recent works. Tour de Force by Jim Self was commissioned by the Pacific Symphony and adapted for wind ensemble. It has been performed at the University of Southern California, Indiana University Pennsylvania and the University of New Mexico. For a sound recording contact Jim Self at: jimself@bassethoundmusic.com. Parts and score can be ordered through Jim or from Shattinger Music.
Bones of Contention by Sam Pilafian was recently premiered at the SW CBDNA Conference, featuring Joe Alessi and Marshall Gilkes on classical and jazz trombone. Recording and parts and score can be obtained from Sam Pilafian at sp@asu.edu. You can also view the CBDNA performance on Sam Pilafian`s Facebook Fan Page or the UNM Wind Symphony Facebook Fan Page.
I think you will find both pieces worthwhile and a great deal of fun to perform.
Eric Rombach-Kendall